Taichi Basic Knowledge

The Benefits of Practicing Taichi

1. It isn't Just A Fad

Unlike so many other trends, Tai Chi isn't a passing fad. It has been around for over a millennium, and it is still practiced in China as well as other countries.


2. It is For All Ages

Tai chi is gentle, people of any age or condition can do it.


3. Strength and Endurance

Taichi has been shown to provide significant benefits in the areas of balance, upper- and lower-body muscular strength and endurance, and upper- and lower-body flexibility. In particular, if practiced with moderate frequency by older adults, Taichi can improve physical fitness levels. In one such study, people in their 60s and 70s practiced Taichi three times a week for 12 weeks. The participants also underwent a variety of fitness assessments before and after the 12 weeks to measure balance, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. After just six weeks of regular training, significant improvements were observed in balance, muscular strength, endurance and flexibility measures. Improvements in each of these areas increased further after 12 weeks.


4. Asthma

Breathing techniques are often the key to managing asthma. Taichi is a type of exercise that can help with slowing the pulse and focusing on proper breathing techniques.


5. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that can be caused by joint or muscular pain. If you have FM, not only will your quality of life be lower, but it'll also be accompanied by painful symptoms. The cause of FM is unknown and there's no known cure for the condition at this time. A study of 39 people with fibromyalgia found that they saw improvement with their condition and worsening symptoms once they practiced Taichi bi-weekly for six weeks. It's great news for anyone else with this disorder because taichi might be a viable solution.


6. Aerobic Capacity

Aerobic capacity decreases as we age, but research on traditional forms of aerobic exercises has shown that it can improve with regular training. In another meta-analytic study, researchers looked at seven studies focusing on the effects of Taichi on aerobic capacity in adults with an average age of 57. The study found that those who practiced Taichi for a year had noticeably more aerobic capacity than those of a similar age who did not practice Taichi.


7. Stress Relief

Practicing Taichi is becoming popular amongst people who want a new way to deal with stress. It helps take your mind off of worries and also improves your mindfulness skills. The mind-body connection is also important here, as it has been shown that breathing with body movement and hand-eye coordination produces a calming effect.


8. Walking

A person's walking speed decreases with age, and research suggests this may be associated with an increased risk of falling. One study found that those who practiced Taichi walked more steps and have a better balance than those who did not.


9. Joint Health

When engaging in many forms of exercise, the knees, shoulders, back and other joints are put under a lot of strain. This is because these movements are often ill-conceived and inappropriate for the body. As such, a great number of active people eventually develop joint problems. However, Taichi, from the experience of people who's whole lives were dedicated to it., fully grasps the importance of proper postures and movements to protect and strengthen the practitioner's joints for long-term, repetitive practice.


10. Internal Organ Health

Taichi is known to massage the internal organs and release them from damaging constrictions by using movements such as fluid spiraling and bending, and breathing. This is done through a meditative state, leading to a healthy mind and body. It also aids the exchange of gases in the lungs and helps your digestive system work better.

11. Balancing

Taichi combines physical and mental aspects of wellness, allows you to work out in the morning, saves your time for other things. Apart from the physical benefits, Taichi also calms your mind while it exercises your body. Tai Chi is so helpful when it comes to improving balance and preventing falls. It's great for seniors because it promotes more overall strength and body awareness along with reducing stress. Studies have shown that Taichi can help to prevent falls in the elderly by up to 45%. It has also been found show improvements in balance for people with neurological problems. A recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine found the program particularly effective for balance in people with Parkinson’s disease.

12. Self defence 

Taichi Kung Fu is highly effective and efficient in self-defence. These martial benefits include the use of inner energy and balance Yin Yang, all to transform the attacking force to be countering the opponent.

13. Zen

Taichi provides an excellent opportunity to develop the Zen practice of mindfulness by participating in quiet walking, hand form, and Zhan Zhuang (standing meditation). The principles of yielding, softness, centeredness, slowness, balance, suppleness and rootedness in Taichi are all elements of Taoist philosophy. Taichi has drawn upon in its understanding of movement, both in relation to health and also in its martial applications.