Taichi Classics

The Taichi Boxing Treatise

Once there is any movement, your entire body should be nimble and alert. There especially needs to be connection from movement to movement.
Energy should be roused and spirit should be collected within.
Do not allow there to be protrusions or pits anywhere, breaks in the flow anywhere.
Starting from your foot, issue through your leg, directing it at your waist, and expressing it at your fingers. From foot through leg through waist, it must be a fully continuous process, and whether advancing or retreating, you will then catch the opportunity and gain the upper hand.
If you miss and your body easily falls into disorder, the problem must be in your waist and legs, so look for it there.
This is always so, regardless of the direction of the movement, be it up, down, left, right, forward, back. And in all of these cases, the problem is a matter of your intent and does not lie outside of you. With an upward comes a downward, with a forward comes a backward, and with a left comes a right.
If your intention wants to go upward, then harbor a downward intention, like when you reach down to lift up an object. You thereby add a setback to the opponent’s own intention, thus he cuts his own root and is defeated quickly and certainly.
Empty and full must be distinguished clearly. In each part there is a part that is empty and a part that is full. Everywhere it is always like this, an emptiness and a fullness.
Throughout your body, as the movement goes from one section to another there is connection. Do not allow the slightest break in the connection.