Taichi Classics

Thirteen Dynamics Song

Do not neglect any of the thirteen dynamics, their command coming from your lower back.
You must pay attention to the alternation of empty and full, then energy will flow through your whole body without getting stuck anywhere.

In stillness, movement stirs, and then once in motion, seem yet to be in stillness, for the magic lies in making adjustments based on being receptive to the opponent.

In every movement, very deliberately control it by the use of intention, for once you achieve that, it will all be effortless.
At every moment, pay attention to your waist, for if there is relaxation and stillness within your belly, energy is primed.
Your tailbone is centered and spirit penetrates to your headtop, thus your whole body will be nimble and your headtop will be pulled up as if suspended.
Pay careful attention in your practice that you are letting bending and extending, contracting and expanding, happen as the situation requires.
Beginning the training requires personal instruction, but mastering the art depends on your own unceasing effort.
Whether we are discussing in terms of theory or function, what is the constant?
It is that mind is sovereign and body is subject.
If you think about it, what is emphasizing the use of intention going to lead you to?
To a longer life and a longer youth.
Repeatedly recite the words above, all of which speak clearly and hence their ideas come through without confusion.
If you pay no heed to those ideas, you will go astray in your training, and you will find you have wasted your time and be left with only sighs of regret.